Mission: We exist to lead all people to new life in Christ!
How are we going to accomplish our mission?
Life Groups, Bible studies, and targeted ministry opportunities for all ages are the vehicles for discipleship and care.
Multisite strategy. One church meeting in multiple locations, thus making access to weekend worship, and daily Christian community more accessible in our physical and digital world.
Excellent worship services with biblical preaching.
Strategic global, regional, and local ministry partnerships to maximize evangelistic effectiveness and church family involvement through relationships, prayer, and generosity.
A personal commitment by all to living a holy life expressed through attending faithfully, living honestly, serving whole-heartedly, giving regularly, and always maintaining unity within the body of Christ.

Our Affiliation
NewLife is a Bible-Believing, Christ-Centered church. God’s Word is taken very seriously, and it’s held in the highest esteem! We strive to obey God’s Word in every aspect of our lives and that is what we mean by Bible-Believing. Christ-Centered is the best way to describe the role of Jesus Christ in our church. Everything we do revolves around the person of Jesus and what he has done for us. At our very core, that’s who we are and the kind of church we’re striving to be.
A phrase you’ll hear at NewLife quite often is, “God cares more about where you’re going than where you’ve been!” We see this truth all over the pages of the Bible. It’s a great reminder of God’s grace extended to each of us, and how we should treat others with the same measure of grace.
NewLife is not part of any denomination. In fact, we are non-denominational. We are not bound by man-made creeds or traditions. We do not have to defend some institutional position. We are free in Jesus—free to speak where the Bible speaks and free to use Spirit-guided judgment where the Bible is silent, and free not to let our opinions become traditions.
Our hope would be that anyone who walks through our doors for worship or interacts with anyone from NewLife throughout the week, would instinctively know that we are Bible-Believing, Christ-Centered Christians. We are striving to walk daily with the Lord and in the same spirit as Christ. We would agree that we’re not the only Christians, but we’re striving to be Christians only!
Christian Churches
NewLife Christian Church is a non-denominational church. We are a Bible-Believing, Christ-Centered church full of imperfect people striving to live the Christian life under God’s grace.
We believe that the Bible is the literal Word of God. It’s God’s truth to mankind. It’s the foundation of all we believe. It is the Word of God that drives our doctrine and our actions. The Apostle Paul told Timothy in 1stTimothy 4:16 to, “Watch your life and doctrine closely.”
All of our practice, who we are, and what we do revolves around the person of Jesus Christ and his saving work on the cross. We believe that Jesus not only died on the cross but rose back to life three days later. Jesus is the only way to the Father. We identify as CHRISTIAN which bears his very name. Galatians 2:20 says, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”
Search high and low, but you will not find one perfect person at New Life. The kind of people that you will find at New Life is a congregation of faulty people, who are finding healing in God’s forgiveness. We range the spectrum, from above average to failing, in faith, Bible understanding, spirituality, in service, and in our personal witness. We are a fellowship of the imperfect but desiring to grow, and to fulfill God’s purposes in our own lives and through the church.
We don’t claim to be the only Christians, by any means; but we are quick to acknowledge that we’re a congregation of believers desiring to just be Christians.